Industry insights

Cutting Overheads While Maintaining Pay: The CrowdField Advantage in Oil and Gas

Alan Mourgues
September 16, 2023

Understanding the Challenges in Oil and Gas

Oil and gas is an industry that is constantly evolving, with new technologies and regulations emerging all the time. This can make it difficult for businesses to keep up with the ever-changing landscape, and this can lead to increased costs and overhead. On top of this, the industry is highly competitive, as companies strive to remain competitive in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

Finding the right talent to help manage the costs and overhead can be a challenge. Many businesses lack the time and resources to find the right professionals to help them manage their operations. This can lead to an increase in overall costs, as businesses are forced to pay higher salaries to attract the best talent.

At the same time, oil and gas professionals are looking for ways to maximize their income and find the best opportunities in the industry. This can make it difficult for businesses to find the right professionals at a price that is both competitive and fair.

CrowdField provides an innovative solution to this problem, allowing businesses to access a global network of experts at competitive rates. By leveraging the power of the crowd, businesses can access the specialized skills they need to manage their overhead without compromising on pay rates.

Exploring the CrowdField Solution

CrowdField is a marketplace that provides a platform for Oil and Gas and Energy businesses to connect with a global network of specialized talent for task-based freelance solutions. The platform enables businesses to access a wide range of niche skills while managing overheads without compromising on pay rates.

CrowdField provides a comprehensive suite of services for Oil and Gas and Energy professionals, allowing them to leverage their expertise as the global energy transition unfolds. The platform offers access to a wide range of specialized talent for task-based freelance solutions, such as engineering, geology, and project management. This allows businesses to quickly and cost-effectively find the right talent for their projects.

CrowdField also offers a Digital Store, which allows skilled professionals to monetize their creations and distribute them in the open market. The Digital Store is a great way for Oil and Gas and Energy professionals to make extra money without sacrificing their pay rate.

The platform also provides access to a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for Oil and Gas and Energy professionals. These tools and resources allow professionals to stay up-to-date on industry trends, best practices, and new technologies. This helps professionals stay ahead of the curve and maximize their potential in the rapidly changing energy sector.

CrowdField’s mission is to provide Oil and Gas and Energy professionals with the tools and resources they need to succeed in the energy transition. The platform’s comprehensive suite of services and resources helps businesses manage overheads without compromising on pay rates, enabling them to access the specialized talent they need to advance their projects.

Realizing the Benefits of CrowdField in Oil and Gas

The oil and gas industry is a complex and costly sector that requires a range of specialized skills to succeed. The challenges associated with finding the right talent can be daunting, and the costs of hiring can quickly add up.

CrowdField offers a unique solution for oil and gas businesses looking to reduce their overheads without compromising on pay rates. By connecting businesses with a global network of freelance professionals, CrowdField ensures businesses can access the specialized skills they need, without the need to hire full-time staff.

The cost savings associated with using CrowdField are significant. By taking advantage of the freelance marketplace, businesses can reduce their costs by up to 50%. This can be achieved by only paying for the services they need, when they need them. This means businesses can avoid the costs associated with long-term staff contracts and benefit from the flexibility of freelance work.

The cost savings associated with CrowdField also extend to pay rates. By connecting businesses with a global network of skilled professionals, CrowdField ensures businesses can access the highest quality talent at the most competitive rates. This means businesses can access the skills they need without the need to pay premium rates.

CrowdField also offers businesses the added benefit of access to a range of specialized skills. By connecting businesses with a global network of freelance professionals, CrowdField ensures businesses can access the specialized skills they need to succeed. This means businesses can access the skills they need without having to hire full-time staff.

The combination of cost savings and access to specialized skills makes CrowdField a valuable asset for any oil and gas business looking to reduce their overheads without compromising on pay rates. By taking advantage of the CrowdField platform, businesses can access the skills they need at a fraction of the cost. This makes CrowdField the ideal solution for businesses looking to manage their costs without compromising on quality.

More Tools

Explore a curated collection of valuable resources in our Store, all designed to help you upskill. Currently, you can take advantage of three exclusive, limited-time offers, each crafted to aid in funding our initial marketing efforts.

Alan is a Consulting Petroleum Reservoir Engineer with 20+ years of international industry experience. Alan is the founder of CrowdField, a marketplace that connects Oil & Gas and Energy businesses with a global network of niche talent for task-based freelance solutions. His mission is to help skilled individuals monetize their knowledge as the Energy transition unfolds, by bringing their expertise to the open market and creating digital products to sell in CrowdField's Digital Store.


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How we can help

At CrowdField, our mission is to empower YOU—helping you showcase your skills in the open market and monetize them effectively. Here's how you benefit from being with us:

👉 Make your mark and find freelance opportunities by listing yourself in our freelancer directory to get noticed. Join us for free here.

👉 Turn your skills into digital products that sell. We'll help you polish, launch, and list them in our Store, promote them on our LinkedIn page, to our email subscribers, and feature your success in a case study on our Blog, amplifying both your product and personal brand. Whether you're at the idea stage, midway through implementation, or nearing completion, if you see potential for monetization, we're interested. Take the first step by getting in touch to start a conversation at

👉 Discover bargains in our digital store with heavily discounted prices during our market discovery period. Take advantage of these limited-time offers as we expand our network. Dive in now and find your gem! Got to Store